Lindos was founded by the Dorians led by the king Tlepolemus of Rhodes, who arrived in about the 10th century BC. It was one of six Dorian cities in the area…
The Lindos Acropolis is on the south-east coast of Rhodes. It was the ancient capital of the island before the town of Rhodes itself was founded. The temple…
Some of the donkey's did come all the way up to the fortress entrance.
Lindos was blessed with two wonderful harbors
Kris and Sharon made it to the storage area of the fortress. Now it up some more steps to the top of the acropolis.
Sharon in front of the Doric Temple of Athena Lindia, a tetrastyle amphiprostyle edifice (having a stoa with four columns at either end). It consists of a…
Kris in front of the Temple of Athena Lindia. Inside the temple is the table of offerings and the base of the cult statue of Athena. The temple was built of…
A beautiful view of the Aegean sea from the ramparts of the Turkish fortress atop the Lindos Acropolis.
A view of St. Paul's Bay. A natural harbour, the bay became a refuge for St. Paul's ship during a storm in 58 AD. His arrival led to the establishment of…
The Propylaea of the Sanctuary. A monumental staircase leads to a stoa and a wall with five door openings. The lateral wings of the stoa had six columns with…