The interior of Matthias Church
The interior of Matthias Church
The church was also the location of the (top left) "Mary-wonder." In 1686 during the siege of Buda by the Holy League a wall of the church collapsed due to cannon fire. It turned out that an old votive Madonna statue was hidden behind the wall.
The interior of Matthias Church
Steve and Janet outside Matthias Church
Ken, Sharon, Steve and Janet outside Matthias Church
Around Budapest - Paprika, artistry
Around Budapest - Paprika, artistry
Around Budapest - Paprika, artistry
Ruszwurm the oldest café in the city.
Around Budapest - Paprika, artistry
Around Budapest - Paprika, artistry
The statue of the poet Mihály Vörösmarty. The architecture in this area is also outstanding and its in an area packed with cafe's and restaurant's.
A fountain on Vaci Utca, Budapest, Hungary
Steve enjoys the local humor.
The Budapest architecture was amazing
Scooter boy 2008 - This is a lovely statue, near the Pest end of Elisabeth bridge, by an artist called Boldi (full name: Boldizsár Szmrecsányi). At closer inspection one realizes that the boy is scrutinizing the sky, not the road ahead. And the vehicle is also an impossible construction… Debbie is enjoying hitching a ride.
Corky, Sharon and Debbie outside the Grand Market in Budapest.
The Great Market Hall or Central Market Hall (Hungarian "Nagyvásárcsarnok") is the largest and oldest indoor market in Budapest, Hungary.