Salt Barn, used for storing that valuable commodity in the Middle Ages. Regensburg, Germany

Wurstküche zu Regensburg (Historic Sausage Kitchen of Regensburg) is a restaurant in Regensburg, Germany. This is notable as perhaps the oldest continuously open public restaurant in the world. Regensburg, Germany

Inside the Wurstküche zu Regensburg (Historic Sausage Kitchen of Regensburg). Wow these were very yummy sausages! Regensburg, Germany

The Sermon to the Geese. A Friar is preaching to the geese, being kind to animals as was expected of good Friar. The geese cluster round but behind the Friar a fox em. Regensburg, Germany

The well outside Goldene-Bären-Straße 7 93047 Regensburg, Germany

The Danube Reiver runs along the town of Regensburg, Germany

The Alte Lind Restaurant in Regensburg, Germany

Kirche St. Mang, Regensburg, Germany

Sharon and Ken on the Steinerne Brücke (Stone Bridge), Regensburg, Germany